Saturday, May 2, 2009

Crayne Items - 1950

Crayne Community Items, Jan. 5, 1950 submitted to the Press by Margaret Howard.
  • There was a Christmas program at the U.S.A. Presbyterian Church Saturday night nd also one at the C. P. Church Sunday night. There was a nice crowd each one.
  • Rev. James H. Jones preached at the U.S.A. Presbyterian Church Sunday.
  • Rev. Eugene Lindsey filled his regular appointment at the C. P. Church.
  • Rev. Eugene Lindsey, Mr. Wordie Woodard, Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Leffel Boswell, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown and Dorothy Nell, Miss Bernice Sutton and Miss Margaret Howard attended a Young Peoples Rally at Madisonville, Sunday.
  • Mr. Jerry A. Brown spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown.
  • Mrs. Jennie Baird has returned to her home in Crayne after a visit with relatives in Hammond, Ind.
  • Miss Lois and Louise Woodall, of Evansville spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lessly Woodall.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Burnie Stone have returned to their home after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alexander and Nancy.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones and Tommy returned to their home Friday after spending a few days with their daughter and family in Gary, Ind.
  • Those on the sick list are: Mrs. Julie Belt and Mr. Tom York.

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