Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Crayne School Boys

This wonderful old picture was shared with me by the Richard Cruce family.  It was made in the mid 1940's in the Crayne School yard.  Just by a lucky chance an old train was going by when the picture was made. 
Names of people in photo:  Back row: Hayden Harpending, teacher, Bruce Ordway, Norman "Popeye" Winters, and Jim "Ped" Norman.
Front row: Edwin White, Richard Cruce, and Jimmy Keeling.

I remember so well the sound the trains made on the tracks, and the whistle as it blew as it came through Crayne, always whistled at a road crossing.  Always loved the trains.  We used to put pennies and nails on the rails so they would flatten them out.  I wonder now what happened to all the ones that we had done and used to have.   The red caboose at the end, there would always be the conductor standing on the deck, ready to wave at us kids.  What great memories to have and remember of my childhood days.